Update - 19th March 2020
Dear Parent/Guardian
If you are reading this then the inevitable has happened and sadly we have been advised to close the school. Below are details of the optional work that your child can undertake during the closure period.
Please refer to your child’s class page on the website for any specific information relevant to them for example spelling lists or work ideas grid and links to resources.
Topic:- create a booklet that presents the knowledge they have learnt this term in either science or geography/history (depending on topic studied).
Reading:- Oxford Owl for Home https://www.oxfordowl.co.uk/for-home/ lots of free resources for Primary ages. All you need to do is create a free parent account.
Please try to read for at least 10 minutes a day.
Writing:- they can produce a diary of daily events, this can be illustrated, typed on the computer or handwritten.
Maths:- pupils are to carry out Matific and Times tables Rockstars daily. Reception parents please refer to the class page on the website for maths activities as Ms Davies will set them there.
It is important even if staying in the house that all pupils try to maintain at least 30 minutes physical exercise, we would recommend looking at the BBC Supermovers website for ideas to follow inside https://www.bbc.co.uk/teach/supermovers
If you have a musical instrument then please practice it every day. Year 4 pupils are welcome to take home a violin from the school.
Take the time as a family to play a daily board game or teach a new skill such as cooking/baking/sewing etc.
Remember that children thrive on routine. Try to create one that you can stick to so that when it is time to come back to school it won’t be such a shock for your child.
Take care and remember to check any updates from ParentMail so that you know what is going on with regards to the closure situation.
Mr Dodd
Head teacher