The School Day
The main gates are open between 8.30am and 8.40am. Staff are available on the playground to direct the children straight to their classrooms.
Children should not arrive before 8.30am as the school has no legal responsibility for children before then.
At the end of the school day, the children will be lined up in the playgrounds for parents to collect them between 3.05pm and 3.15pm. The total time at school amounts to 32.9 hours.
School lunch is from 12.00 noon until 1.00 pm
School Meals
The Kids Lunch Co.
The Kids Lunch Company are delighted to be our new school lunch provider from September 2024.
The company will be supplying your child’s school with a fresh, wholesome, delicious & reliable buffet style lunch service.
There is no need to pre order your children’s meals if your child is in Early Years/ Reception, KS1. Your child can choose daily from the selection provided.
Allergies/ Specific Diet Requests
If your child has an allergy or a specific diet request (e.g. Sandwiches without butter, brown bread only etc.) then please complete the Specific Diet request form and return to us or hand in to your school office.
All lunches for children with allergies will be delivered into school in an individually labelled bag. Specific sandwiches will be labelled with your child’s name.
KS2 ordering Service
You will be able to order & pay for your child’s lunches via our website from the 1st August. The order forms are updated each half term. You can place your order weekly or for the whole half term. We have a cut-off for orders, at midday on Fridays for all lunches the following week. This is so that can collate our lists and labels for the following week & so that we can manage our food supplies as efficiently as possible to minimise waste (sustainability is an important issue for us) allowing us to supply fresh nutritional lunches and to keep a healthy work/life balance for our staff.
Kids Lunch Company Specific Information Leaflets
The School Day
Main school
8.40 – 9.00am – Registration and early morning work
9.00 – 9.50am – Lesson 1
9.50 – 10.40am – Lesson 2
10.40 – 11.00am – Playtime
11.00 – 12.00pm – Lesson 3
12.00 – 1.00pm – Lunch
1.00 - 1.10pm - Registration
1.10 – 1.30pm – Assembly
1.30 – 2.20pm – Lesson 4
2.20 – 3.05pm – Lesson 5
The Nursery operates 2 sessions daily, from 08.45am – 11.45am and 11.45am - 2.45pm. We operate a flexible attendance programme between morning, afternoon and full day sessions, which is fixed on a termly basis once agreed with parents and is subject to availability.