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Purchasing Uniform

Uniform can be purchased via our uniform provider, PMG Schoolwear, via the internet or from their shop in the Eden Centre, High Wycombe.  Their website details are:


Alternatively, Pre-loved school logo jumpers and cardigans are available through the FOLKS market place on Uniformd: 


They also offer a wide range of items available for boys and girls, in sizes from Reception up to Year 6 and very good quality that come from parent donations. They stock white polo shirts, grey trousers, shorts, skirts, PE kit, plimsolls and gingham summer dresses.  This is a superb way of supporting the school as all funds go directly to the school as well as doing our bit for the environment by recycling and reusing items rather than buying new. If you wish to purchase any items please send an email to them at


We expect parents to work with the school to ensure that children arrive and depart always maintaining a high standard of dress. Children who look smart will inevitably think smart.



All Year Groups

Black, smart low-heeled shoes, no slip-ons or boots

White polo shirt

School jumper/cardigan with school logo

White or black socks, (or grey tights in the winter months)

Grey Trousers or skirt (knee length)

(optional) Grey shorts for the summer term

(optional) Pupils may wear a red/white gingham (no stripes) dress worn with white socks in the summer term

If worn, black or white hijab


PE Kit

Black shorts (football style) or leggings style

Black joggers

Plain t-shirt in their house colour (Ruby-Red, Amber-Yellow, Sapphire-Blue, Emerald-Green)

Plain black sweat shirt (no hood)

A pair of trainers for outside and plimsols for indoor PE if desired (children may do indoor PE barefoot) 



Non-baggy swimming trunks or swimming costume (as required by the swimming pool provider)

Swimming hat for long hair


Kit to be placed in a drawstring bag

Goggles can only be worn with the parent's written permission


Jewellery and Hairstyles

Long hair or hair that is below the eye line must be tied back off the face at all times.

One pair of stud earrings may be worn, although they will need to be removed or covered for PE lessons.

Children in KS2 may wear a wrist watch.


School Bags

EYFS / KS1 red book bag (logo optional)

KS2 back pack (must fit locker size)

KS1 PE Kits can either be in a draw string bag or a reusable bag

KS2 PE Kits must be in a draw string bag



Weather appropriate coat (any colour /style)

Cap (any colour/design)



School uniform is not required to be worn by children in the Nursery Class.  However, with regard to footwear, Velcro fastening trainers are very practical.
