School Finance and Charges
It is important to note that the school does not have a budget to cover the cost of trips or other activities that enhance the curriculum, but are not basic necessities.
The Governors have agreed the following policy on charging:
Contributions will be sought from parents for activities taking place during school hours, in order to make them viable. There may be charges for a range of activities that enhance the curriculum and the standard of education we can offer. For example:
Activities taking place outside school hours.
Trips and visits - please see further information under the parent tab.
Ingredients or materials for a product that your child takes home.
There will be a charge for:
Tuition in playing any musical instrument when not provided by a member of the Little Kingshill Combined School staff.
The coach for transporting children to swimming lessons.
Any breakages or damage caused by a child (especially those brought about through unacceptable behaviour).
In all instances discretion will be exercised in cases of proven financial hardship. Applications for a remission of charges should be made to the Headteacher.
Pupil Premium
The Government has placed additional funding into schools to support children who receive Free School Meals, Looked After Children and children in the Armed Forces.
Schools must ensure that this Pupil Premium benefits those who need it the most.
School's Financial Benchmarking
Development Fund
We would like to explain the School Development Fund to you and briefly describe its purpose.
This fund is vital to us and we depend on your donations. It enables us to pay for additional activities that brighten and enhance school life from incidentals such as cooking ingredients to major building projects.
You may ask, “Education should be free - why pay extra?” Sadly the school budget we receive from Bucks County Council does not cover the large number of extra events, projects and activities that we provide, but which we believe add extra colour and richness to school life.
A donation of £20 per month can make a huge difference and we would be grateful if every family, who is able to, does so. The best way of making your contribution count is the completion of a Direct Debit Mandate with a Gift aid declaration - forms are available from the school office. Alternatively, send your contribution in a sealed envelope with your child’s name, class and School Fund printed on the front. We hope you will feel able to support us with this request so that Little Kingshill Combined School can continue to provide a broad curriculum within our increasingly tight budget.
The school has no employees earning in excess of £100,000.