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The role of the Governing Body is to provide strategic management and to act as a "critical friend", supporting the work of the headteacher and other staff.


School Governors support the school by:


  • Setting the school’s vision, ethos and strategic direction.
  • Holding the Head Teacher to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils.
  • Overseeing the financial performance of the school and making sure its money is well spent.
  • Ensuring the site and buildings are compliant with health and safety regulations.


Governors have a four-year term of office and are actively involved in the life of Little Kingshill Combined School. The Chair and Vice Chair are appointed on a one year term.


Minutes of Governors’ Meetings are available for parents to view within the school and there are formal and informal opportunities for meeting governors at various events during the year.


The Governing Body is made up as follows: 



Governor Type


Term Ends

Dr Frances Rawle (Chair)Local Authority

Pupil Premium, Health and Safety

February 2027
Mrs Clara Walker (Vice-Chair)Co-Opted

    GDPR, Filtering &              Monitoring,

    FOLKS Link

March 2026
Mr Stephen DoddEx Officio (Headteacher) N/A
Mr Stephen FosterAssociate N/A
Mr William GloverCo-Opted April 2028
Mrs Cat HoyleCo-Opted November 2028
Mrs Azra KovacCo-Opted November 2028
Mr Martin QuigleyCo-Opted     Finance, ResourcesFebruary 2026
Mrs Sue TreasureCo-Opted

SEND, Safeguarding, Personnel

October 2028

Mr Richard Jones



October 2027

Ms Natalie CrawfordParent    SustainabilityMarch 2027
Mrs Michelle HuggettParent    Early YearsFebruary 2027
Mrs Harvey-MottStaff


November 2028


The Whole Governing Body meets once a term and is supported by a number of committees that typically meet termly.


Our Governors have no relevant business interests at the school and no relationships with school staff.


Being a School Governor is an incredibly rewarding way of making a difference to the school. If you are interested in becoming a School Governor, please contact Frances Rawle at


Governors' membership of Committees/Workings Groups and attendance at Committee meetings can be found below: 

