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The school’s Nursery class is part of the Early Years Foundation Stage and offers a flexible attendance opportunity for children, from their third birthday, subject to availability.  The Nursery is staffed full time with a qualified, highly experienced teacher and teaching assistants.  We are proud to have such a wonderful Nursery as part of our school.



Sessions run from 08.45-11.45 and 11.45-2.45 and children can attend for morning sessions, afternoon sessions, all day or a combination of all options to suit your family’s needs.  We offer 15 hours universally funded places, accept 30-hour extended hour codes and also offer privately funded places where applicable.


Testimonials from current parents of children in the Nursery


“My little one has loved going to LK nursery since Day 1 – he learns so much and is very happy there. The support the staff show has been incredible and consistent. They always go above and beyond for every child. The environment that has been created is wonderful and nurturing with clear boundaries – allowing the children to learn alongside one another and thrive”.


“Fantastic early educators. The teachers and helpers are first class. My child has excelled since starting at LKCS”.


“LKCS Nursery is a welcoming nursery/pre-school with excellent staff, especially Mrs Lewis. Our son has been very happy there and much prefers it to the pre-school that he attends on other days”.


“The staff at LKCS Nursery are so caring and helpful. I have sent all my children to the Nursery”


“The pre-school at Little Kingshill has provided the perfect nurturing and fun environment for my children. Having used two settings in the early years they always used to ask “is it a Little Kingshill Day?” They have loved it”.


“My child has loved their time in the Nursery. They actually miss the Nursery on their days off as well. Lovely staff! Very kind and gentle with the kids”.


“We have been so impressed with the way the Nursery teaches and cares for the children. Best nursery ever!”


A place in the Nursery class does not guarantee a place in the main school as the school does not deal directly with admission into the Reception class.  Application forms to express interest in the Nursery are available from the main school office.  If you are considering our lovely Nursery, do book a visit directly with the Nursery teacher Mrs Lewis, where she can answer all your questions and let you see the fabulous facilities we can offer your child.


To contact the Nursery by telephone, please call the main school number and select option 4.

Nursery Fees Policy

Little Kingshill Combined School- Nursery Introduction

We invite you to have a watch of our introduction video
