Physical Education
Our vision is for all children at Little Kingshill Combined School to experience excellent, inclusive physical education, school sport and physical activity that will lead to increased physical literacy and healthy life-long participation. Our PE curriculum aims to ensure that all pupils develop the fundamental skills and competence to excel in a wide range of physical activities and sports by providing a broad and balanced curriculum and extra-curricular club range.
We strive to:
- develop our social, emotional and thinking skills (SET principles) alongside our physical elements of PE.
- develop our children’s declarative knowledge using key vocabulary which progresses as the children move through the school.
- provide an extensive range of after school clubs which complement our high cultural capital and family dynamics of our school.
We aspire to use our PE Premium funding to:
- improve the quality of existing PE teaching through continuing professional learning in PE, so that all primary pupils improve their health, skills and physical literacy, and have broader exposure to a range of sports.
- increase participation levels in competitive sport and healthy activity of pupils, to help maintain these into adolescence.
- increase the quality of initial teacher training in PE and sport, and to promote PE specialisation in our primary level workforce.
- understand and value the benefits of high-quality PE and sport, including its use as a tool for whole school improvement.
The school aspires to provide each pupil with a minimum of two high quality PE lessons per week across Foundation and both key stages. PE lessons should be structured on the basis of the following model, which can be flexibly applied to accommodate groups of different ages and abilities and for the different areas of activity.
Warm up | Main activity | Cooling down |
Introduce the learning objective, key vocabulary and appropriate SET principles.
Pulse raising activity for all children (which links to the LI) | Progressive, developmental activities following our GetSet4PE scheme
| The learning intention should be revisited and evaluated. Key vocabulary and SET principles revisited and revised |
At Little Kingshill Combined school, we apply the GETSET4PE scheme which ensures great progression of knowledge and skills across the schools. Knowledge organisers and key vocabulary ladders are used as children move through the school. Lesson plans include lots of multimedia approaches including music and videos, and ensure all children are suitably challenged using the STEP principles. Allowing for differentiation to support or extend all children.
We strive to raise the profile of PE and sport across the school, implementing awareness of national and international sporting events; holding weekly achievement assemblies and inviting a range of sporting athletes and visitors to inspire our children in physical activity.
By the time children reach the end of their Little Kingshill journey, children should be able to apply and develop a broad range of skills and knowledge. They should enjoy communicating, collaborating and competing with each other upon developing their social, emotional and thinking skills alongside their understanding of how to improve in different physical activities.
This progress shall be regularly monitored through observations of pupils and assessments inline with our school marking policy, utilising our school’s feedback document. This will help to identify children who may need further support or challenge and will inform teacher’s judgements on our Insight assessment system and end of year judgements against the national curriculum.
We feel strongly about monitoring and observing our pedagogy closely, using current research to inform our practice across the school. Learning walks are completed by the PE lead and staff questionnaires are used annually to put in place actions to support teachers areas of development. Professional coaches are used for team teaching once per half term. The pupils’ voices are also important to us, making use of pupil questionnaires and school council meetings to implement sports, clubs and break/lunch activities, involving students as active participants in decisions that impact their educational experience here at Little Kingshill.
The engagement and enjoyment of children attending our wide range of extra-curricular clubs is monitored and evaluated each term, looking closely at our pupil premium and SEND children. This close monitoring of learning and our PE premium principles helps us to identify our next steps of physical education at Little Kingshill Combined School.