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Pastoral, Illness, Medical and Special Educational Needs and Disabilities


We openly encourage feedback and operate an open door policy for you to talk to us.


The normal procedure is to contact your child’s class teacher in the first instance.  This can be done at the end of the school day, or if not convenient via the school office.  Should you need to talk to the Head Teacher, please call or email the school office to make an appointment.



If a pupil is sick or suffers with an episode of diarrhoea during the school day, the child will be removed from the classroom and their parents will immediately be notified by the school secretary in order for them to be collected.


In accordance with our Attendance Procedure and Buckinghamshire Council’s policy, all children must remain at home until 48 hours after the last episode of sickness or diarrhoea.  Many children will feel much better before 48 hours has elapsed, but this rule for the pupil to remain off site, is in order to reduce the risk of any bug/infection spreading further within the school community.


We understand that this can cause inconvenience or frustration if the pupil does not display any further signs of symptoms, however in order to maintain excellent welfare and hygiene standards for both the child, other pupils and staff, we require all parents to adhere to this rule.  



The County nursing team offer various health checks; these are always advised to parents in advance with an opt out date given in all circumstances.


The school will dispense medication prescribed by a doctor on completion of a parental permission form available from the school first aid team.


Special Educational Needs and Disabilities

Little Kingshill Combined School is committed to providing an appropriate and high quality education to all the children attending our school. We believe that all children, including those identified as having a special educational need or disability (SEND), have a common entitlement to a broad and balanced academic and social curriculum.  This is accessible to all pupils, who are fully included in all aspects of school life.


We believe that all children should be equally valued in school. We strive to eliminate prejudice and discrimination and to develop an environment where all children flourish and feel safe. We include everyone and value diversity. 


When our children struggle with learning, experience difficulties with communication or have medical issues it can make parents and carers anxious.  We do all we can to help parents on that journey to access services to support their child.


Children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities

The School has a Special Educational Needs Policy in line with the SEN Code of Practice (2014).  It includes identifying children with learning or behavioural difficulties.  There is a member of staff responsible for Special Educational Needs - the Inclusion Co-ordintor and a SEND Governor.  The class teacher is responsible for supporting a child with special educational needs within the classroom setting, either individually or in a group situation.  If the child requires an individual learning programme then an Early Support provision map or a SEN Support Plan will be put in place.  Advice may be sought from other professionals e.g. a Speech and Language Therapist, Educational Psychologist or Specialist Teacher.  For more information, please see the SEND Annual Report below for Little Kingshill Combined School or or Local Offer on the Bucks Family Information Service website


More Able

Provision is made for the more able child to work on more challenging tasks.  We aim to identify these children continually as the year develops and we welcome recommendations from parents as to recognising their child’s advanced abilities and offer them curriculum opportunities to extend their skills.


